V8 [] Description of breast cancer risk program The program assumes that there is a gene predisposing to breast cancer in addition to the BRCA1/2 genes. The woman's family history is used to calculate the likelihood of her carrying an adverse gene, which in turn affects her likelihood of developing breast cancer. The risks of developing breast cancer for the general population were taken from data on the first breast cancer diagnosis (ICD-10 code C50) in Thames Cancer Registry area (UK) between 2005-2009.

The risk from family history (caused by the adverse genes) is modelled to fit the results in 'Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer: A Swedish Population-based Register Study, Anderson H et al., American Journal of Epidemiology 2000, 152: 1154-1163'. The risk from other classical factors including age at first child and benign disease are combined with familial risk. The latest version of the model (v8) incorporates mammographic density. Contact Details Prof. Jack Cuzick Centre for Cancer Prevention, Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, Charterhouse Square, London EC1M 6BQ email. This tool is provided for research purposes only and no responsibility is accepted for clinical decisions arising from its use.


Exeter Software. Index to site: Search our site. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women (excluding skin cancer). Apr 27, 2016 - When DCIS was entered as no cancer, the BRCAPRO estimate remained. The BRCAPRO model is a part of the CancerGene software. 60 zhash kuttuktoolor.

Commercial use requires a license, for further information please email Current version v8 (v8.0b latest release, September 2017) Windows download -- IBIS_RiskEvaluator_v8b.zip A Windows batch command-line program is also available, for users who wish to processing several risk evaluations at the same time without a graphical user interface. To access it please email a request to stating intended use. Obsolete versions v7 (version 7.02 released June 2013) Windows download -- IBIS_RiskEvaluator_v7.zip v6 (released August 2004) Windows download -- IBIS Risk Evaluator.zip Example.txt. Overview of evaluator The program begins by opening the introduction screen.

If you want to go directly to the evaluation screen the next time the program is run then you should tick the ‘Start from evaluation screen’ box. The top part of the evaluation screen deals with personal information about the woman - her age at menarche, parity etc. The bottom part of the screen deals with her family history. The picture in the form gives the family history in the form of a pedigree diagram. When entering details about a family member, if she developed breast cancer then the age at breast cancer should be put in the relevant age box, otherwise her current age should be used (or the age at which she died if applicable). If she developed ovarian cancer then a box is activated which asks for details at which age it occurred.

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