Serial Plot: Chinnari Pellikuthuru was an Indian soap opera that aired on Maa TV. It is dubbing of Balika Vadhu airing on Colors TV. The story which is set in rural Rajasthan traced the arduous journey of a child bride from the brink of childhood to womanhood. First season focuses on the life journey of Anandi and Jagdish, who were married in childhood. Balika Vadhu very sensitively portrays the plight of children who are unwittingly forced into marriage, in the name of tradition, and have to bear the repercussions for the rest of their lives.


Colors Hindi; Drama; Hindi. The original clutter breaker of Indian TV, Balika Vadhu, leads the pack when it comes to socially relevant shows. Chinnari Pellikuthuru- July 7th in hindi Posted by Musth at.

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