A lot of Counter Strike: Source games take place every day. In fact, it's still the second most popular title on Steam (coming in just after the original Counterstrike). You can understand why some players might be hungry for a little variety. We've compiled a list of some of the most inventive and fun user-made maps around. From short range gunfights to spectacular physics engine acrobatics we've got them all, and if new maps don't do it for you, why not check out our instead?

Download map fy_iceworld. Map fy_iceworld (Counter-Strike 1.6), Screenshot map, files download map fy_iceworld. Download CS 1.6 free and fast. Counter Strike 1.6 Best Version / Download CS 1.6. The most popualr maps are Fy_Snow, Fy_Pool_Day, Fy_Iceworld,.

Aim_ag_texture2 It might look unconventional, but textureless mod's excellent design has lead to it becoming one of the most popular mod maps around. Some players find the striking aesthetic alarming, others like it, what do you think readers? Soal biologi kelas 11 erlangga 1.

Cs 16 Iceworld Map Download

Aim_extreme deliberately pushes the capabilities of CS: Source, the map is still fun to play, but the real draw is visuals a huge step above most other CS maps. While this is obviously not recommended for those on low end systems, the snazzy water and weather effects add an extra layer of sheen. Aim_deagle7k There's something pure about single weapon maps, and desert eagle only ones really reward fast, skillful aiming. Warehouse map is very tight and claustrophobic, leading to some incredibly frantic and desperate pistol gunfights. Fy_twotowers Another CS 1.6 remake pits two teams in face to face forts, including the titular sniping towers across narrow courtyard, causing some intense firefights focused in a small space.

It also comes in a, but the original is more widely played. Fy_iceworld was originally an original Counter Strike map that was so popular it's made it to Source and Team Fortress 2. This small arctic map leads to frenetic close quarters combat.

There are an absolute ton of Iceworld based maps out there, so if this one doesn't take your fancy then one of should. Scoutzknivez What happens when all players spawn with only a scout rifle and a knife in a low gravity world? The mobility of this map makes for some of the fastest and most brutal sniper gameplay around. The popularity of this concept has spawned but all have one thing in common, a very vertical design philosophy that makes the most of the players' spectacular jumping abilities. Surf_ski_2 Surfing exploits the quirks of the Source Engine to glide effortlessly along in defiance of physics. Is an good map for beginners to put get the hang of this exotic skill. Play it by yourself for a little while to get the hang of things before trying it out online.


Surf_10x_final Now that you've gotten the hang of surfing you're ready to join the rest of the CS surfing community. Is one of the most widely played surf maps around. Notice how different weapons are placed around the course, the better you are at surfing the better equipped you'll be. Surf_greatriver_xdre4m Another massively popular surf map, there are a lot of versions of surf_greatriver out there, but is one of the most widely played. If you don't care for it you can find the other versions, and some that were inspired by them,. Kreedz Climbing Technically a mod that works with any Source game, began as a CS map, hence it's inclusion here.

Zbrush tutorial pdf. It takes the surfing concept and adds rope swinging and complex jumps to turn the game into a fiendish puzzle platformer. Comes with a whole selection of maps for the avid climber. Which maps have we missed? Post your favourites in the comments.

Dear friends, I wanted to apologize for never uploading my interpretation of fy_iceworld and fy_snow for CSGO. I was already a skilled map maker before CSGO came out, and this was my first map for the game. I realize fy_iceworld and fy_snow never took off in CSGO the same as in 1.6 and CSS. I feel partly responsible, because I've been sitting on this map with it complete for almost 5 years and never uploaded it because I was like depressed or something.

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