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Please check out our to request being added to our calendar. Consider supporting our AMAs are scheduled in Eastern Time (GMT-4:00). I work with a lot of end of life patients and what am going to say will seem unrealistic, but it is true.

People don't want to die. It is a false bravado that a young man will say right now with fervent rigor, but the truth is, people don't want to die especially when death is close.

Humans are conditioned to self preservation, that is why you can't choke yourself with your own hands. I have heard a lot of people say this. That when am 80 and sick just put me out of my misery. The truth is the opposite.


Saint seiya movie 5 online. People cling to every last bit of life when mortality comes knocking. Hearing is the last thing to go. I had an old man who was at end of life stay alive for 6 days after stopping to eat or drink. All he had to do was allow himself to sleep and it would be over but no, he kept kicking his legs to jolt his body back to breathe from the apnea.

He listened to all around him even though he was pre coma. Fo to any hospital and you will see old people with a foot in the grave still paying thousands to extend their lives even by days. The notion that people will accept death is just a fantasy. It takes a person who has little to no regrets about how they lived their life to accept death in that way.

Talk is cheap, until death becomes a reality don't ever lie to yourself that you will just roll over and die rather than sell your house for your kids. I guarantee that you will end up selling that house to keep you alive. I have seen it, and my latest was a woman with a terminal disorder. She would talk of how she was moving to San Diego and after she got well would live the rest of her life there. She died 4 weeks later after basically spending almost 15k every time once a week she came to the hospital mandatory. Forza horizon 2 torrent download. She could have easily decided not to spend that last 60k and leave it for her family but self preservation kicked in. It now became her money and you all who are healthy could make more even though she knew it was a losing battle.

Do not underestimate a person facing death. I'm pushing 40 and still don't really see myself as a grown up. I am tbh though, things start to hurt longer than they did before. 10 years ago I could jump out of a truck at 30 mph and get up the next day almost like nothing happened. Last week I fell on my hip running with jr around the house playing and It hurt for a week straight. You just don't realize what's going on with your body I think. A different friend's dad told him that you don't really change mentally as you get older, it's your body that doesn't work like it used to.

I don't think you can make such a broad generalization. I work with many end-stage patients who have spent years battling heart disease. Many of them beg to be killed/put out of their misery.

I have seen people with tremendous sense of relief when signing up for hospice care and withdrawing aggressive treatment. I have even witnessed one young individual pass away in complete peace just minutes after finally convincing his family to agree with his signing a Do Not Resuscitate order. There are people who want to die. They are the people who realize there are worse things than dying.

I can only speak for one case. My father, when faced with assisted living, refused any treatment for his brain cancer and told us he would rather die than not be independent and be able to travel. He had me drive him to his church to talk to his priest on a Friday. Once my siblings and I assured him that we were going to be ok. He spent the weekend sleeping and waking up just to tell god that he was ready to go. At the crack of dawn Monday morning he was gone. That was a year ago in June.

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