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•:-Joe Oh, dear It only sounds awful if you listen to this very lazy, biased, dismissive review that’s topped off with casual contempt and a nice big spoiler-esque negative description. It’s like something from RTE’s dept of information control, approved by the Catholic Voice and PR’d by the IONA institute. Down with that sort of thing, Ted! Clearly, he doesn’t like the film, any of the previous films or the director himself and that’s because.? Tell us why you don’t like it? He can’t because he probably doesn’t know how to but can’t event bring himself to try. Instead he’s too busy trying to associate it with notoriously bad(but also good in a cult sense) flops.

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What he fails to even blink at is that people actually respect and like this film maker and like him enough to show his films at places like the cannes film festival if that means anything to anyone. If he even tried to understand the film or knew anything about it maybe he could articulate some thoughts on a meaningful level without resorting to petty, snide remarks. I was at the preview screening on Wednesday night.

A comprehensive library of Arthouse.Cult,Classic,Experimental and rare movies from all over the world. Nov 12, 2015 - Cinematic satisfaction is denied in Love 3D, an exercise in bedroom boredom by France's Gaspar Noe. Reviewed by Tirdad Derakhshani 2/4.

The film is strange, very different to anything you will see in the mainstream, it is arguably deeply flawed too but still interesting, funny and well worth a look and I mean, In 3D in the cinema, not from a torrent download watched on the back of a go pro or whatever. It won’t end up in the oscars(I seriously doubt it) but hey, that’s ok. Nothing in the review above is accurate or fair in terms of film criticism, here’s what a real unbiased film critic / journalist sounds like: It has nothing to do with liking or not liking the film btw, It’s just an example of decent film criticism/analysis/journalism in general. I’m sure you can find many other negative reviews that are more articulate and cine-literate than this without relying on cheap jokes and witty references. I would also recommend people watch “I Stand Alone”, “Enter The Void”, “Carne”, and the oh-so controversial “Irreversible” if you can stomach a film that tells a story about rape( Only five people walked out of the screening I watched it in) All the “gratuitous”, “shocking”,”depravity” accusations are over-blown and exaggerated, mostly by mainstream critics with no sense of what art-house or independent or real cinema is about. Usually on some self-righteous, moralising, agenda based in knee jerk reaction and sensationalism.

Meanwhile many people around the world enjoy these films for what they are.:-J. • Frilly Keane Here I saw it about 3 weeks ago. I dunno whetevyere all going wi’this release nonsense I liked it But wasn’t wetting meself if I’m being honest The script was slight enough I thought In fact twas strengthened with the Hollywood tonnage Depp and Cumbersome BTW folks I was in Boston in the 80s And while I’ll confirm the accent out’ve ’em was as I remember from the Irish there This filum definatly played down the tiocfidh that was going on And they all wore their ‘Im Irish’ness on the outside. •:-Joe Go and see “LOVE” in 3D in the IFI like nothing you have ever seen before and it’s not a gratuitous sex film or a porno.


” Also on release from Friday: THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY PART 2; THE DRESSMAKER, THE PERFECT GUY. ” All these films are woefully bad and not even worth watching for free. Black mass is watch-able but mostly disappointing and pointless drivel let down even more by hilariously bad casting, apart from some of the non-lead roles. It’s obsessed, not with the real character it is based on but only showing Burton’s muse as being more violent than even a real pirate might have been. All done, as though it is the key to making us believe in Jack Sparrow’s acting ability. Just another typical selfish and egotistical lead actor driven mess and we’ve seen better gangster storys before anyway.

Watch one of the many documentaries if you want an interesting, satisfying and entertaining factual account. Of Whitey Bolger. I had to watch “Angels With Dirty Faces” just to feel good again. The film makers should have been arrested and charged with criminal neglect of storytelling and wasting large bags of cash.:-J.

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