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Il volume contiene il metodo professionale 'Il figurino di moda' e illustra un facile percorso di apprendimento che porta alla creazione del figurino. Tra i temi trattati: teoria del colore, strumenti e tecniche, stilizzazione, proporzioni, dettagli (colli, maniche, gonne, polsini, mostrine, bottoni. In the book 'Il Figurino di Moda ' you will find many topics related to the basic and practical application of fashion design illustration, from hand-creation to fashion accessories. The school equipment consists of books and rulers, and has been patented by the Istituto di Moda Burgo.

Il Figurino The fashion drawing book for fashion designers follow on facebook • This book analyses the fundamental aspects of fashion drawing for women's wear, men's wear and children's wear, in a step-by-step manner. In the book 'Il Figurino di Moda ' you will find many topics related to the basic and practical application of fashion design illustration, from hand-creation to fashion accessories. This fashion drawing book will benefit both students who are just beginning in the fashion field and also those who have already studied fashion or possess relevant work experience.

PREFACE WOMEN Proportion Manniquin Figure in three steps Stylization Figure in three steps Face Eyes Nose Lips Ears Head position Hair styling Hats Faces in three steps Hands Arms Chest Legs Feet and shoes Stylized nudes COLOUR THEORY Colour theory INSTRUMENTS AND TECHNIQUES Instruments and techniques STYLIZATION Stylization WOMAN Ligth/dark technique Coloured pencils tech.© 2019