• 2006-01-01 Sustainable Safety uses a road categorization in which through traffic is concentrated on motorways and other main roads. In residential areas, which have a living, shopping, or work function, through traffic is discouraged by setting a speed limit of 30 km/h, and by speed reducing measures such as • Zarubina, N.E.; Trishin, V.V.; Malyuk, I.A.; Golovach, L.A. 2005-01-01 The researches which have been carried out in the territory by the Kiev region, including 30- km the zone of the Chernobyl NPP showed that major factors influencing levels of the Cs 137 accumulation by mushrooms, are: density of pollution soils by these radionuclides; belonging of mushrooms to the certain ecological group; depth of localization in soil mycelium of each kind. (authors) • Sich, A.R.

1996-01-01 The first Westerner to live and work with the scientists of the Chernobyl 30 km zone recounts his experience. He found research in the Zone to be poorly organised, encumbered with ideology, hampered by layer upon layer of bureaucracy and conducted in an atmosphere of conflict and mutual suspicion. (Author) • Martinc, R; Stanic, A [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro) 1977-12-15 RA reactor operation plan was fulfilled, meaning 28583 MWh.


Clinical examination with immune status assessment of more than 300 healthy persons, who. Termojelektricheskij zond izgotavlivaetsja tak zhe, kak zond, kotoryj soz - dan. Svojstva podkhodyashchego gasyashchego gaza dlya otscheta vodoroda. Soderzhitsya opisanie schetnoj sistemy, ispol'zuyushchej schetchik,. /video/-kak-otmotat-schetchik-na-vodu/ 220.

In addition to 183 days of operation at full power, during 1977 the reactor was operated for 14 days at lower power level according to the demand of users. The utilization level of rector irradiation capability (neutron flux and time of operation) was 14%. This annex includes detailed statistical data about reactor operation, utilization, power level, savings concerned with new 80% enriched fuel.

All the 9 vertical experimental channels were used for irradiation in the reactor core. Digression from the action plan were caused by refueling and demand od the users. There have been 11 safety shutdowns, of which 6 caused by power cuts, 4 due to failure of the instruments, and 1 due to earthquake in March 1977.

Mortal kombat 9 fatalities. The video above is the Mortal Kombat X 10 Hit Combo Guide and shows how to perform a 10 Hit Combo for every character in Mortal Kombat X.

[Serbo-Croat] Planirani rad reaktora na nominalnoj snazi ostvaren je u iznosu od 28583 MWh. Godine reaktor je radio 14 dana na manjim snagama i u posebnom eksperimentalnom rezimu na zahtev korisnika.

Iskoriscenost kapaciteta reaktora za ozracivanje uzoraka (na bazi neutronskog fluksa i vremena rada reaktora) bila je 41%. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi detaljne statisticke podatke o radu i iskoriscenosti reaktora, podatke o ustedi goriva prelaskom na 80% obogaceno gorivo. Korisceno je svih 9 vertikalnih eksperimentalnih kanala u aktivnoj zoni. Uzroci odstupanja od plana rada osim zamene goriva bili su zahtevi korisnika.

Bilo je 11 sigurnosnih zaustavljanja, 6 usled nestanka napona, 4 usled kvarova opreme i instrumentacije, i 1 put usled zemljotresa u martu. • Krivolutskii, D.A.; Pokarzhevskii, A.D.; Usachev, V.L.; Shein, G.N.; Nadvornyi, V.G.; Viktorov, A.G. 1991-01-01 Investigations of soil fauna populations within a 30- km zone around the Chernobyl Atomic Energy Station between July 1986 and October 1988 showed a marked decrease in the first year after the accident in the species composition of soil microarthropods and in the abundance of their populations in soils of the local pine [Pinus] forests. The soils of agroecosystems showed a decrease in young individuals. In the second year after the accident, the populations of settled species of soil fauna recovered slowly, and recovery of the total abundance of soil fauna in the 30- km zone occurred due to populations of migrating species. After 2-2.5 years, the abundance and biomass of soil fauna populations in polluted areas had recovered • Krivolutskij, D.A.; Pokarzhevskij, A.D.; Usachev, V.L.; Shein, G.N.; Nadvornyj, V.G.; Viktorov, A.G. 1991-01-01 Populations of soil fauna in the region of 30- km zone of Chernobylsk NPP accident were investigated.

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