BLAST search against GenBank file v. V 229.0 released on 2018-12-15 (search results include 431048 sequences from 3141 references) This page contains a list of all GenBank entries on HIV-1 protease, RT and integrase grouped by reference. The reference may include a published paper or the title provided with the GenBank submission. The purpose of this page is to show which GenBank entries are in the HIV Drug Resistance Database and which aren't.
The last column (Annotation) of the table shows whether or not there are plans to add the entry to the database. Each entry in the Annotation column is linked to a page explaining the annotation.
The entries were created by performing a BLAST search of the GenBank using the consensus B protease, RT and integrase amino acid sequence (give link to the sequences). The E-value column contains the lowest e-value (best match) for all the GenBank entries associated with a specific reference. The columns, # in GB, # in HIVDB, and% in HIVDB indicate the number of entries in GenBank associated with the reference, the number of these entries that are also in the HIV Drug Resistance Database, and the% of GenBank entries from a particular reference that are in the HIV Drug Resistance Database. For a treatment summary for every isolate in our database and in the GenBank, This file indicates whether or not the person from whom the sequenced virus was obtained had received one or more nucleoside RT inhibitor, nonnucleoside RT inhibitor, or protease inhibitor. Authors Title Citation E-value # in HIVDB # in Gb% in HIVDB Annotation Predominance of CRF06_cpx and transmitted HIV resistance in Algeria: update 2013-2014 AIDS Res. Retroviruses (2015) In press 0 119PR 109RT 119PR 111RT 99 Drug resistance in HIV patients with virological failure or slow virological response to antiretroviral therapy in Ethiopia BMC Infect.
Feb 5, 2019 - to 0.25 µm and then etched in a solution containing 50 ml distilled water, 150 ml. ZX40 A/Mg–4.0Zn–0.1Ca. Semenova, I.P.; Salimgareeva, G.K.; Latysh, V.V.; Valiev, R.Z. Lapovok, R.; Cottam, R.; Thomson, P.; Estrin, Y. Particles ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 µm had the lowest deposition. PNCs, and ∼71, 92, 93 and 91% of total PMCs, for cube crushing, slab demolition. 443-270 (Korea, Republic of); Lapovok, Rimma [Centre for Advanced Hybrid Materials. Cheng, Y S; Hansen, G K; Su, Y F; Yeh, H C; Morgan, K T [Chemical Industry.
14, 181 (2014) 0 28PR 28RT 29PR 29RT 96 HIV-1 genetic diversity and drug-resistance mutations among treatment-naive adult patients in Suriname AIDS Res. Retroviruses (2016) In press 1.42e-176 99PR 95RT 99PR 95RT 100 Effectiveness and safety of tenofovir gel, an antiretroviral microbicide, for the prevention of HIV infection in women Science 329 (5996), 1168-1174 (2010) 0 92PR 94RT 92PR 94RT 100 RECOMBINATION confounds the early evolutionary history of human immunodeficiency virus type 1: subtype g is a circulating recombinant form J. 81 (16), 8543-8551 (2007) 0 1PR 1RT 1IN 1PR 1RT 1IN 100 Molecular epidemiological analysis of paired pol/env sequences from portuguese HIV-1 patients AIDS Res.
Retroviruses (2011) In press 0 154PR 154RT 0 Abott (2018) The complete genomic sequence of the HIV-1 AAV isolate Unpublished 0 3PR 3RT 3IN 0 CCR5- and CXCR4-tropic subtype C human immunodeficiency virus type 1 isolates have a lower level of pathogenic fitness than other dominant group M subtypes: implications for the epidemic J.