Surah 2: al-Baqara. Surah 3: Āl ʿImrān. Surah 4: al-Nisāʾ. In the printed edition (which consists of 6400 pages in ten volumes).

> Ettiquettes by Shaikh Murtaza Alidina We begin in the Name of Allah, Who is the absolute perfect being. To Whom belongs the beautiful and excellent attributes.

Epikriz vzyatiya na dispansernij uchet obrazec. Who is Rahman, Whose love and Mercy reach out to each and every thing in the universe and Who is Raheem, Whose extra love and Mercy is reserved for the believers & good doers. Ziyarah basically means to visit the Shrine of the Holy M’asum (as). This visit has several etiquette & manners that need to be observed in order for the ziyara to be successful.

The Imams of the Ahlul Bayt (as) & the Prophet (s) have highly emphasized the importance of Ziyara, so that their followers/shia are able to come closer to the Masumeen and are able to learn from their character and thus improve their own lives. In order for a Zaeer to make this trip successful he/she needs to ask & understand several issues: A – One needs to understand what is ziyarah? B – Why is it that the Imams have emphasized a lot on the ziyarah?

C – What does the pilgrim have to do before he embarks on the journey? D- How the pilgrim should conduct themselves on this holy journey? E – How his interactions with others should be once he arrives in the city of Ziyarah? F – What should be his manner as he walks on the streets in the city? G – How should one approach the Shrine? H – How should one enter the Shrine? I - What thoughts should be crossing his mind as he is inside the Holy sanctuary and purified atmosphere of the Shrine?

J – How should he talk to the Imam? K – What should he ask from the Imam? L – What benefit should he be looking for as he is sitting or standing near the Shrine? These are some of the important questions that need to be answered for a Zaer before he embarks upon this great journey. The condition for an amaal to have a reward is that the amaal should have been accepted by Allah (swt) Reward is secondary to acceptance by Allah. ' INAMA YATAKABALLAHU MINAL MUTAQEEN ' ”Allah (swt) accepts only from those who guard (against evil)” [5:27] Allah accepts the amal, ibadah, the worship and the good acts of that person who has TAQWA. If one performs a deed without Taqwa, it is not accepted by Allah (swt) and therefore there is mo thawaab and reward for that action.

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Thawab means reward, & reward can only be given after that act has been accepted. Etiquettes of entering Shrine • The intending pilgrim to the shrine of the Holy Masumin must observe some physical etiquettes: • Once the pilgrim arrives in the Holy city where the Shrine of the Holy Ma’sum is located, before proceeding to the Shrine one should perform Ghusl and during his niyyah should be that as he is cleaning my physical body, he should also make the niyyah of cleaning ones heart from all spiritual diseases, as one is now proceeding to the presence of a Ma’sum who is not only is aware of our physical being but is also fully aware of our spiritual being. • One should wear their best clothes and apply good perfume. As he comes out from his place of stay towards the shrine he should walk with dignity, humility, reverence and with a mind filled with memories and images of the Ma’sum. • The Zaaer should be in a constant state of Dhikr and must try and avoid vain, useless & time wasting speech.

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• Dhikr can take various shapes such as Allahu Akbar or La ilaha ilallaah or SubhanaAllah. On arrival at the entrance of the Shrine there are certain specific rituals to be performed; Izn Dukhool / Entering the Shrine • Allah (swt) says in Suratul Ahzaab [33:53] 'Ya ayyuhal lazina amanu Laa tadkhulu buyutin-Nabii’ Illaa an-yuzana lakum' O believers, you should not enter the house of the Holy Prophet unless permission has been granted unto you. • We should therefore seek permission before entering the Shrine of the Holy Prophet or of anyone of the Holy Ma’asumin • We have been taught to seek the permission in the following words: Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Allahumma Inni waqaftu alaa babim-min abwabin buyutin-Nabiyik (salawatullahi alayhi wa alihi) O God I stand here at the gate of one of the houses of the Prophet (s). Waqad Manaatannasa an-yadkhulu Illaa biiznih, and you have forbidden people from entering this holy house except with their permission. • At this stage you should mention the name of the Imam whose shrine you are visiting. • Wal Malaeekatihil muwakkilina bihadhihil buq’atil mubarakati thalitha: And I humbly seek the permission of the specific angels who have been allocated to this holy Shrine I seek the permission to gain entrance. Aadkhulu Ya RasulallAllah?© 2019